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Celebrating the Class of 2025!

End of Year Events

Moving Up Day, May 19 
4:30 p.m.  Smith Center for Athletics and Wellness

Events for the Class of 2025 kick off on Monday, May 19 with our annual Moving Up Day Ceremony. Moving Up Day, often referred to as “MUD,” is a Brewster tradition that celebrates the academic achievements of the Class of 2024 and announces the senior prefects for the Class of 2026. At the closing of the ceremony we also ask our underclassman to “move up” to the front of the bleachers to symbolize the Class of 2025 leaving us and the Class of 2026 moving into their position as the next graduating class. Attendance is by invitation only.

Prom, May 22
Seniors and Post Grads continue the celebrations on Thursday at Bald Peak Colony Club in Moultonborough. Parents and families are invited to join the graduating class at The Grayson Student Center in the Rogers prior to the dance for the promenade and photos. 

Ivy Address, May 23 
4:30 p.m. Lamb Green (Rain Location Anderson Hall)

The Ivy Address, another longstanding Brewster tradition, marks the official start of the Commencement ceremonies. The top Post Graduate student and the Salutatorian are invited to speak, and students are presented with awards from the Athletic Director, Fine and Performing Arts Chair, Dean of DEI, and Director of Community Service. The ceremony concludes with the presentation of an ivy plant from the Class of 2025 senior prefects. All members of the graduating class and their families are welcome to attend. 

Head of School Reception, May 23
5:30 p.m. Grayson Student Center at the Rogers
Immediately following the Ivy Address, students and families are invited to join us in the Grayson Student Center for light refreshments.

Commencement Ceremony, May 24
9 a.m. Brown Field

Commencement will take place on Brown Field (rain or shine) and the processional begins at 9 a.m. Parents, please plan on arriving 20-30 minutes early for the ceremony so you have time to park and get settled on the field before the 9 a.m. start time. 

Post Ceremony Luncheon, May 24
11 a.m. Grayson Student Center in the Rogers

Students and families are welcome to join us for a light lunch in the Grayson Student Center before departing.