We Are Still Your People

We Are Still Your People
Michelle Rafalowski

Science faculty member Michelle Rafalowski congratulated her 2020 AP Bio graduating students with a heartfelt message and metaphor about their first mountain climb together. Her letter to them beautifully sums up the special and lasting bond all Brewster students share with the people entrusted with their care on campus—one we hope the Bicentennial Class of 2020 carries with them.

To my Seniors,

You may have thought that our hike up Mt. Washington—our first hands-on “lab experience”—was meant to be a metaphor for the upcoming school year. Well, in fact it probably was. 

Since September, we have had some amazing experiences! There have been ups. There have been downs. Sometimes our path was smooth, other times were a bit rocky, with loose footing, and sometimes we found ourselves up to our ankles in metaphorical mud! 

Some days you came to class committed to approaching the day’s work with a sunny disposition, while other days you may have made the room feel full of gray clouds. You’ve been surrounded by people who you might classify as evergreens, while others may be better defined as deciduous—or even krumholtz! (Hmmm…who would fit that classification!?) There were days when reviewing for a test felt like an avalanche of terms, formulas, and graphics. There were days when you felt as if you were looking out over a vast valley below!

Then COVID-19 hit. Many of us felt like we were on the trail—alone—with only stony piles to lead the way. I hope you felt like your teachers, coaches, advisors, and dorm parents—those cairns—helped you to navigate the challenges of the final ascent. Maybe your electronic trails connected you together to help you find your way to the peak, a mere 6,288 ft above sea level. But you’ve made it! You’re on top of the mountain! Congratulations!

But here’s the catch: You’re not done. Nope. You need to keep hiking. Your path may take you to the next mountain. Some may follow a path to home, but not necessarily with your parents and not your Brewster family, but a new family—a family of new friends, new teammates—those who you will become your go-to support system in your next set of adventures. When you find them, you'll know they’re your people who are joining you on your continuing journey.

Just because you are graduating doesn’t mean we’re not there for you if you need us—your teachers, your coaches, your dorm parents, the administrators that worked so hard to keep the trails open. We’re just here in Wolfeboro. Call. Email. Text. Insta. We’re here for you - because we're still your people. 

Congratulations to you, AP Bio, and every member of the Class of 2020!

Wishing you great adventures ahead!

Hugs and high fives,

Michele Rafalowski

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