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Student Life

Full, fun, and meaningful days structured so every hour comes packed with activities to help you grow – intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally, and personally. Here's a sample:

  • Special weeks – Winter Carnival, Random Acts of Kindness, Philanthropy, and Teacher Appreciation – add a mix of fun, competition, appreciation, and feel-good vibes to the whole community
  • The prep basketball team’s home opener, Saturday night coffee houses, the first polar plunge of the season (brrrrrr!), team day, skiing and riding at the local mountain, and the festive tree lighting are just a few of the celebrations and traditions that bring students and faculty together
  • Head into the community for a service project
  • Relax with a friend over your favorite coffee drink at a downtown cafe
  • Kick back in your dorm, order pizzas, and watch movies with friends
Residential Life

Your home away from home awaits you! Find out what Residential Life is like at Brewster.

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Explore Wolfeboro

See what living in the Oldest Summer Resort in America has to offer Brewster students.

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On and off campus, there is a lot to do on the weekends and in your down time.

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Student Life