- Is Brewster Academy accepting applications/resumes?
- What types of openings does Brewster Academy have available to applicants?
- How can I confirm that you have received my resume?
- Do you accept general resumes?
- How long will it take to hear whether or not I am being considered for employment at your school?
- How do I go about becoming a temporary employee?
- What if I still have questions?
Is Brewster Academy accepting applications/resumes?
What types of openings does Brewster Academy have available to applicants?
How can I confirm that you have received my resume?
Do you accept general resumes?
How long will it take to hear whether or not I am being considered for employment at your school?
How do I go about becoming a temporary employee?
What if I still have questions?
Contact Information
(p) 603-569-1600
(f) 603-569-7199
Maryann Biedak, Director of Human Resources
Brewster Academy
80 Academy Drive
Wolfeboro, NH 03894
For directions to campus and lodging information, click here.