I-20 Requirements
Brewster will issue I-20 paperwork for International students to study in the USA once they are enrolled with a submitted contract and deposit. The I-20 is required to obtain a visa in certain countries for non-US citizens and is needed to travel back and forth from the USA during the school year. SEVIS, the issuing authority, requires that Brewster collect documentation that supports the legal parameters for studying in the United States on an F-1 visa.
Brewster requires the following documentation in order to issue or transfer an I-20.
1. Copy of student passport
2. Electronic access to I-94 Permission Form – permission allowing Brewster to access electronic I-94 travel history to ensure student is maintaining F-1 status while at Brewster. Download Form
3. Financial Support Statement - statement that the financially responsible party has the financial means to support the student’s education and living expenses at Brewster Academy, and provide supporting documentation as listed in Item 4.
4. Financial documentation (See Study in the States Financial Ability: https://studyinthestates.dhs.gov/students/prepare/financial-ability) supporting the Financial Support Statement in Item 3 to include one, or a combination, of the following: (Please note: all documentation should be in English when possible.) - Family Bank Statements. For more information about proof of financial support, please visit this link
5. F-1 Transfer from another US school - If your son or daughter is currently at another school in the US, their I-20 will be transferred to Brewster upon completion of the academic year at their current school. In order to perform this transfer, please complete Section I of the Transfer Release Form and submit to your child’s current US school for completion of Section II. Your child’s current school will then mail the completed transfer form to Brewster.
Once we receive all required documentation as listed above, Brewster will issue the I-20 form, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status. The I-20 will be issued electronically via email directly to the incoming student at the student's personal email address. SEVIS regulations prohibit us from sharing or delivering the I-20 document or any information contained on the I-20, including the SEVIS number, to a third party.
Required documentation should be submitted via email to: Admission Associate Marsha Brooks at mbrooks@brewsteracademy.org
Please feel free to reach out to any of our SEVIS Designated School Officials (DSO) listed below if you have further questions about the I-20 process: DSO Marsha Brooks, Admission Associate mbrooks@brewsteracademy.org or 603-569-7494 DSO Chris Brown, Summer Programs Coordinator and Thai Scholar Program Director cbrown@brewsteracademy.org or 603-569-7155 PDSO Susan Crowley, Executive Assistant to Head of School scrowley@brewsteracademy.org or 603-569-7102