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Acting students are considered members of a company and are exposed to acting techniques and exercises, improvisation, voice and movement exercises, directing, and simple scene work. All members of the company work together to ensure the success of the group. Theater students perform two or three productions each year as well as participate in on-campus Coffee Houses. Students may select acting class as their year-long art discipline or they may enroll in an afternoon acting class by trimester.

In stagecraft students pursue their passion for theater without actually performing on stage. The course begins with brainstorming designs for a number of production sets, moves on to creating preliminary drafts and then a final rendering of what the sets will look like. After the design is chosen, students construct and paint the sets. When the curtain goes up, their hard work and creativity is just as captivating as the actors.

To learn more about Brewster’s theater program, please contact theatre teacher Liz Baker McClain.

Past Productions

Hamilton Slider Thumbnails

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Fiddler on The Roof production

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